Read in 2012

  • Les Barbouzes : entre gens du même monde book cover
    December 2012Les Barbouzes : entre gens du même monde from Chanoinat & Da Costa.
    In the same series as below, caricatures based on the movie Les Barbouzes (The great spy chase).
    The drawings are as good, I remember less of this movie, find it less good than Les Tontons.
  • Les Tontons : éparpillés façon puzzle book cover
    December 2012Les Tontons : éparpillés façon puzzle from Chanoinat & Da Costa.
    A caricature book based on the movie Les Tontons Flingueurs (Crooks in clover).
    A good drawing style that makes you want to watch this cult movie once more.
  • La Survie de l’espèce book cover
    December 2012La Survie de l’Espèce from Paul Jorion & Grégory Maklès.
    An economist and a cartoonist team to tell you all you ever wanted to know about how the Global Financial Crisis came about.
    Very interesting, witty and fun, even if the situation described is bleak.
  • Robinson Crusoe book cover
    August 2012Robinson Crusoe from Daniel Defoe.
    The adventures of a young british man who wants to sail away and ends up stranded on an island.
    A good old classic, with a little bit too much moral lessons.
  • La Hulotte number 97 book cover
    August 2012La Hulotte #97.
    The most popular magazine in burrows focuses on the grove snail.
    You’re bound to look at snails in a different way after reading this, and the drawings are gorgeous!
  • Messiah book cover
    July 2012Messiah from Boris Starling.
    A policeman specialised in studying crimes and viewing them from the killer’s perspective investigates the death of men who had their tongues cut out and a silver spoon put in their mouths.
    The police enquiry is well constructed and there’s a lot of suspense, but the fascination with gore was too much for me.
  • The selfish gene book cover
    February 2012The selfish gene from Richard Dawkins.
    A book refining the theory of evolution by centering on the gene as the main protagonist.
    It took me ages to read this book. The theory holds and the end is interesting, but the body of the book is a repetition and a declination of the theory viewed from various angles, with incessant references to end notes which should have been put in the body of text with minimal typographic effort. The stylistic effect of saying “the gene wants…”, although presented as a stylistic effect, seems a very bad idea to me, putting intention where there is none.